Monday, May 16, 2011

The Ten Worst States to Be a Dumb Slut

Amanda Marcotte, the harpy queen of the feminist blogosphere, has a new article on Alternet about the ten worst American states to be a woman.  She doesn't mince words, including claims that that "Mississippi has been such a bad state for women for so long it rarely even gets noticed in the news anymore." and "Kansas went from being a pretty bad place to be a woman to a hellhole rapidly."

What laws have Mississppi, Kansas, Arizona, Texas, and six other states passed?  Are they allowing men to beat their wives, requiring women to wear shawls in public, banning the education of women, not allowing women to vote, and/or disallowing women from owning property?

No, it turns out that all of these states have passed or are considering passing laws that more closely regulate abortion.

I've noticed that when feminists use the word "woman," as in "women's reproductive healthcare" or "women's rights," they really mean "dumb sluts."  Let's face it, in 21st century America, between condoms, pregnancy tests, IUDs, EC, and abortifacients, it is incredibly difficult for a woman of even below average intelligence to unintentionally get to the stage where surgical abortion or pregnancy are her only options. 

If you want to laugh at feminist illogic, overemotion, incendiary rhetoric, and sensationalism, click here.

1 comment:

  1. On the contrary, we should make it EASIER for these dumb skanks to have abortions:
    1. Generally, the more abortions a female has, the harder it is for her to conceive or carry a healthy child to term later on in life.
    2. If they are really dumb enough to 'accidentally' get pregnant when we have all these methods of contraception freely and easily available (a suffragette's/feminist's dream unheard-of only a few short generations ago), do we really want such an unthinking, impulsive idiot to reproduce in the first place?
    3. Ditto for the feminists and their non-thinking female shills and sympathizers in the general population -- if they can't think enough to see what uncontrolled feminism has to offer them in the long run, do we really want them to reproduce, either? (Think of all the future man-hating feminists and brainwashed self-hating manginas that would not be born!)

    I say to not only make abortion on demand easier, make it REQUIRED for some female groups (e.g., members of N.O.W.) (Give them what they want -- that should make them happy, shouldn't it?).
    Not only that, make it required that if they get an abortion, THEN THEY GET STERILIZED, TOO. They should be plenty happy about that -- they've proved that they don't want children, so they'd NEVER have to worry about getting pregnant and then getting another abortion ever again!

    By making abortion more easily available, and/or making sterilization mandatory with an abortion, either these 'dumb sluts' will start being more careful when they engage in intercourse, or they will have their genes taken out of the gene pool (and we could avoid a future "Idiocracy").
